Flower Agate Meaning and Healing Properties

Flower Agate Meaning and Healing Properties

The first five words that come to mind when holding and feeling into the energy of Flower Agate are: Self Discovery, Empowerment, Growth, Joy, and New Beginnings.

Story & How To Use:

Flower Agate is the perfect crystal for using during times of great change with stepping into the unknown. This can be with any large changes in your life such as: new career, new home, beginning a business, or rediscovering who you are. Flower agate gives you a sense of confidence and courage to assist you in believing in yourself during these large transformations in your life. I have used flower agate during times in my life when I was experiencing great change within my inner world. As I began to let go of old versions of myself that were not longer serving my greatest good, I began to grow a new seed and blossom into whom I visioned myself to be. If you are currently reading this and going through a large change, you've got this!

Flower Agate Meaning and Healing Properties

Zodiac Signs

This crystal works well with the following Zodiac signs.

Crystal Details


"I am blossoming into a new beautiful version of myself." 

Crystal Pairings

Golden Healer for courage and self confidence when taking the leap of faith into making changes. Rose Quartz for feeling unconditional love for yourself and others. Pyrite for helping you reach your full potential and greatness in life. Carnelian for sparking creativity, new ideas, and visions for a future project.

Feng Shui

Your office is a beautiful space for focus, motivation, creativity, and new beginnings. Flower Agate can help enrich the power within you to spark the most beautiful version of yourself to take action with confidence to your next project, adventure, or inner transformation.


Flower Agate using the following elemental properties: Earth

Healing Properties

  • Helps you reach your full potential and greatness in life.
  • Sparks creativity, new ideas, and visions for a future project.
  • Helps you overcome self doubts and fearful thinking.
  • Promotes feeling unconditional love for yourself and others.
  • Can increase your zest and joy for all of life.
  • Supports a healthy reproductive system.
  • Encourages self discovery, growth, and new beginnings.


This Crystal has the following Chakra properties: Throat, Third Eye, Solar Plexus, Heart, Root, Sacral, and Crown

Intention: Love & Happiness

Love and happiness are one of the highest vibrations that you can feel while in your physical body. This selection of crystals will help you open and heal your heart to feel unconditional love towards yourself, others, and life.


MOHs Hardness:


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All the Love,
Certified Advanced Crystal Practitioner 

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