The content posted on www.LovingThyselfRocks.com, including the images and text, are for informational purposes only. All metaphysical information provided by Loving Thyself Rocks about crystals is solely for spiritual purposes and should not be used for medical advice or treatment. Consult a licensed healthcare professional for any medical concerns you may have.
Loving Thyself Rocks advertises and promotes its products with the positive intention that our products will help a user achieve a desired result. Even though the intent of our products is to promote a positive change for the user, the outcome of using our products relies solely on the users input. All products sold by Loving Thyself Rocks are meant to supplement the users own personal intentions to create a desired outcome and Loving Thyself Rocks does not take responsibility or guarantee an outcome or effect when using any of our products.
At the time of purchase and/or at the time of use of a Loving Thyself Rocks product, you agree to fully release, indemnify, and hold harmless Loving Thyself Rocks and their owners, representatives, and employees (the “Released Parties”) from and against all claims (known and unknown), liabilities, injuries, death, loss and/or damages of any kind arising from any use out of or in relation to the products purchased on www.LovingThyselfRocks.com. You assume all risks associated with the use or misuse of the products you purchased on this website or through Loving Thyself Rocks and you agree that the Released Parties will not be responsible or liable for any injury, harm, death, damages, costs or expenses. If any court of law rules that any specific part(s) of this Disclaimer is invalid, the Disclaimer stands as if those specific part(s) were removed.
Here at Loving Thyself Rocks we sincerely care about each and every one of our customers and their experiences with our company. We come from a place of love and compassion and the above statements are simply a necessity for an online business. Please Contact Us if you have any questions regarding our disclaimer.