Pink Tourmaline Meaning and Healing Properties

Pink Tourmaline Meaning and Healing Properties

Thefirst five wordsthat come to mind when holding and feeling into the energy of Pink Tourmaline are: Heart Healing, Unconditional Love, Empathy, Feminine, and Love Connection.

Story & How To Use:

Ever since Joel and I found out we were having a baby, our hearts immediately began activating. We began to notice areas in our life where we could open our hearts up to love like never before, which allowed us to have a greater relationship with one another, loved ones, and even strangers. It's so beautiful to experience the maternal and paternal instincts that are activated when you begin the journey of finding out you're having a baby. After we found out that I was pregnant, we wanted to celebrate by taking a trip together to see fall foliage for the first time. We stopped at a crystal shop in Maine where we were both immediately drawn to this beautiful pink tourmaline heart. Out of all the crystals that Joel and I have seen, we have never seen a pink tourmaline bubbly heart like this one. We knew something about it was special and of course had to have it. The owner of the crystal shop was there and said that he loved that piece so much, he carved it to that beautiful bubbly heart shape himself. As we began back on the road, it dawned on both of us why we just had to have the pink tourmaline heart and it was the incredible energy pink tourmaline carries for activating a beautiful heart to heart bonding connection with you and your baby. Ever since, my husband carries it in his pocket every day. Even writing this makes me so emotional how incredibly connected we are with one another and the power of love. At night we place the heart where the baby is located and place both of our hands on top of the heart. We send it lots of love from our heart to the babies heart.

Pink Tourmaline can be used for any activation of healing of the heart. To do so, hold the pink tourmaline over your heart chakra and see a beautiful bright pink light radiating from your heart and into your entire body. Allow what feelings or even thoughts to come and go. Stay in the presence of pure love.

Pink Tourmaline Meaning and Healing Properties

Zodiac Signs

This crystal works well with the following Zodiac signs.

Crystal Details


“I am loving, kind, and listening to my bodies needs."

Crystal Pairings

Morganite for being more gentle, loving, and kind towards yourself. Green Tourmaline for a deep bond with you and your baby. Rose Quartz for promoting feelings of unconditional love. Thulite for activating a deep remembrance of your souls purpose in this lifetime.

Feng Shui

I personally love placing pink tourmaline in my Bedroom. The bedroom holds the energy of love, rest, and intimacy. It promotes love while you sleep, love with your partner, and love within yourself. Your Child's Bedroom is also a lovely space for placing pink tourmaline in your home with intention. Pink Tourmaline has both a strong a gentle loving energy. Its nurturing and loving energies will allow the baby to feel a sense of love and connection even when you aren't around.


Pink Tourmaline using the following elemental properties: Water

Healing Properties

  • Opens the heart to a loving bond with the baby and their parents both prenatal and postpartum.
  • Nurtures and balances Divine feminine energies.
  • Helps balance the biochemistry in your brain.
  • Helps you recognize the love within yourself to take care and nourish you.
  • Promotes feelings of love, joy, happiness, and empathy.
  • Supports a healthy physical heart, lungs, and skin.
  • Can help you connect to your souls purpose in this lifetime.


This Crystal has the following Chakra properties: Heart

Intention: Love & Happiness

Love and happiness are one of the highest vibrations that you can feel while in your physical body. This selection of crystals will help you open and heal your heart to feel unconditional love towards yourself, others, and life.


MOHs Hardness:



Pink Tourmaline is sensitive to light (causing the color to fade) and intense temperature changes (causing it to break or crack). It's best to store pink tourmaline in a space without direct sunlight. When choosing what method to cleanse or charge your crystal, opt for using sage, sound bowls, or placing under a full moon.

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All the Love,
Certified Advanced Crystal Practitioner 

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Gemological Institute of America Inc., Tourmaline Care and Cleaning,, 2002-2022