Rainbow Moonstone Meaning and Healing Properties

Rainbow Moonstone Meaning and Healing Properties

The first five words that come to mind when holding and feeling into the energy of Rainbow Moonstone are: Transformation, New Beginnings, Intuition, Higher Consciousness, and Divinity.

Story & How To Use:

Every. Single. Time. I am going through any large transformation in my life I find myself glued to rainbow moonstone. Its energy is expansive, awakening, and Divine. It helps me remain in the energy of trust as I embark on new versions of myself and let go of the old. It always speaks to my soul in a way that makes me feel safe and held through large transformations. It's like the stage in the cocoon when the caterpillar begins to develop into a butterfly. The process of the unknown before you step into the completeness of your transformation. If you currently feel called to rainbow moonstone, this may help you understand why!

Rainbow Moonstone Meaning and Healing Properties

Zodiac Signs

This crystal works well with the following Zodiac signs.

Crystal Details


"I welcome positive transformation with open arms, trust, and ease."   

Crystal Pairings

Labradorite or Moldavite for amplified guidance during times of great transformation. Flower agate for spiritual or personal growth. Herkimer diamond for strengthening your auric field. Rose Quartz for easing PMS or menopause symptoms. Chrysocolla for bringing more harmony to your hormones.

Feng Shui

Your Office, Living Room, or a space where you invite new beginnings, welcome transformation, and shed the old version of you.


Rainbow Moonstone using the following elemental properties: Water & Ether (Spirit)

Healing Properties

  • Assists in spiritual guidance and growth.
  • Helps you embark transformation and new beginnings with trust and ease.
  • Aids in strengthening your auric field.
  • Eases menopause and premenstraul symptoms.
  • Helps quiet and bring stillness to the mind.
  • Helps women with fertility, childbirth, and hormonal imbalances.


This Crystal has the following Chakra properties: Sacral and Crown


MOHs Hardness:


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All the Love,
Certified Advanced Crystal Practitioner 

© All Rights Reserved to Lovingthyselfrocks LLC 2023

Gemological Institute of America Inc, Moonstone Care and Cleaning Guidehttps://www.gia.edu/moonstone-care-cleaning, 2002-2022

Gemological Institute of America Inc, Moonstone Descriptionhttps://www.gia.edu/moonstone-description, 2002-2022