Ultimate Guide To Crystals

Our you ready to learn all you can about the power of healing crystals? Well you've come to the right places. Our Ultimate Guide To Crystals is written by our own Rachel Hancock. It's continually updated, and provides a wealth of knowledge on everything that is healing crystals. We hope you enjoy!

Pink Tourmaline Meaning and Healing Properties

Pink Tourmaline Meaning and Healing Properties

The first five words that come to mind when holding and feeling into the energy of Pink Tourmaline are: Heart Healing, Unconditional Love, Empathy, Feminine, and Love Connection. 

To Use: Pink Tourmaline can be used for any activation of healing of the heart. To do so, hold the pink tourmaline over your heart chakra and see a beautiful bright pink light radiating from your heart and into your entire body. Allow what feelings or even thoughts to come and go. Stay in the presence of pure love.

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Rose Quartz Meaning & Healing Properties

Rose Quartz Meaning & Healing Properties

Rose Quartz was one of the very first crystals I added to my collection and really connected to on a spiritual level. It’s also now the most abundant crystal I own in my collection. Rose Quartz is an amazing go-to crystal for anytime you are feeling down, lonely, sad, or in need of some extra love. Its energy is very gentle, which is perfect for sensitive souls (empaths, lightworkers, introverts), like myself.
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Lepidolite Meaning and Healing Properties

Lepidolite Meaning and Healing Properties

The first five words that come to mind when holding and feeling into the energy of Lepidolite are: Balance, Peace, Harmony, Healing, and Tranquility

Lepidolite was a crystal I was guided to use during my healing of PTSD. I remember feeling really anxious, confused, and dissociated with myself.

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Larimar Meaning and Healing Properties

Larimar Meaning and Healing Properties

The first five words that come to mind when holding and feeling into the energy of Larimar are: Tranquility, Communication, Soothing, Goddess Energy, and Authenticity.

Larimar is a beautiful pectolite that looks like waves in the ocean. Larimar opens your throat chakra to surrender and let go of what was.

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Amber Meaning and Healing Properties

Amber Meaning and Healing Properties

The first five words that come to mind when holding and feeling into the energy of Amber are: Joy, Purification, Radiance, Warmth, and Healing

Amber has played a huge role in so many of my loved ones lives and they all have one theme in common and that is they've helped them ease pain. One of my favorite stories is of a friend who didn't know anything

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Kyanite Meaning and Healing Properties

Kyanite Meaning and Healing Properties

The first five words that come to mind when holding and feeling into the energy of Kyanite are: Positive Thoughts, Better Habits, Inner Guidance, Honest Communication, and Balance.

Kyanite is my #1 recommendation for overcoming negative patterns, addictions, and habits. Kyanite was the first every crystal my husband, Joel, used at the beginning of his spiritual awakening and healing journey.

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Rhodochrosite Meaning and Healing Properties

Rhodochrosite Meaning and Healing Properties

The first five words that come to mind when holding and feeling into the energy of Rhodochrosite are:
Deep Healing, Emotional Release, Empathy, Unconditional Love, and Forgiveness.

Rhodochrosite is my absolute favorite crystal and was the first crystal I really felt called to. I was headed up north to look at venues with my husband for our wedding and we stopped by a crystal shop on our way.

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Lemurian Meaning and Healing Properties

Lemurian Meaning and Healing Properties

The first five words that come to mind when holding and feeling into the energy of Lemurian are:
Healing, Regeneration, Expansion, Amplifier, and Divinity.

Lemurian has always been a crystal that has intrigued me since the beginning. It was one of the very first crystals I held and had an experience with.

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Moss Agate Meaning and Healing Properties

Moss Agate Meaning and Healing Properties

The first five words that come to mind when holding and feeling into the energy of Moss Agate are:
New Beginnings, Balance, Transformation, Connection, and Abundance.

Throughout this past year, I have gone through the greatest transformation and growth of my life! Not only that, but have expanded my mind to develop a greater understanding of who we are from a place of wholeness. During this time of transformation and change, I began to notice my intense attraction to moss agate.

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Flower Agate Meaning and Healing Properties

Flower Agate Meaning and Healing Properties

The first five words that come to mind when holding and feeling into the energy of Flower Agate are:
Self Discovery, Empowerment, Growth, Joy, and New Beginnings.

Flower Agate is the perfect crystal for using during times of great change with stepping into the unknown. This can be with any large changes in your life such as: new career, new home, beginning a business, or rediscovering who you are.

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Generating, Creating, and Attracting Abundance Using Crystals

Generating, Creating, and Attracting Abundance Using Crystals

Abundance is an inside job that translates and manifests externally into the beautiful physical reality. To me, abundance means wholeness. To be abundant is to feel so whole and complete in every aspect of your life internally and externally. This means abundant in energy, vitality, health, happiness, financial freedom, love, peace, food, water, and everything you really can expand your mind to be abundant in! In times where we don't feel abundant is where we seek or feel any separation or lack.
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Crystals, Remedies, and Guidance for a Good Nights Sleep

Crystals, Remedies, and Guidance for a Good Nights Sleep

Growing up I was the child that could sleep through anything; someone vacuuming, a family gathering, car rides, you name it and I was completely asleep regardless of my external environment. I also chose that if anytime of day I wanted to sleep, I would. So my parents would find me in the most random places like under the dinning room table, under the toilet with my butt in the air, and under the bed. As I got older, I still slept well through the night, it just became more of a challenge to fall asleep.
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Crystals and Guidance for Boosting Your Confidence

Crystals and Guidance for Boosting Your Confidence

Confidence takes practice.
Think about a time, place, something you do daily, or an accomplishment where you now almost do it unconsciously with confidence where you didn't before.

The first thing that comes to my mind that we all have in common is DRIVING! At first, you may feel nervous, scared, or anxious because you are stepping into the unknown.

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Rainbow Moonstone Meaning and Healing Properties

Rainbow Moonstone Meaning and Healing Properties

The first five words that come to mind when holding and feeling into the energy of Rainbow Moonstone are: Transformation, New Beginnings, Intuition, Higher Consciousness, and Divinity.

Every. Single. Time. I am going through any large transformation in my life I find myself glued to rainbow moonstone.

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Amethyst Meaning & Healing Properties

Amethyst Meaning & Healing Properties

The first five words that come to mind when holding and feeling into the energy of Amethyst are: Divinity, Intuition, Protection, Peace, & Balance.

Amethyst was the very first crystal I ever owned. My husband bought it for me when we were both recovering from our addictions. Ever since, amethyst has been a staple in every room of our home.

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